Alexandria Petroleum Maintenance CO.(Petromaint) provides the following activities:-
- Installation, Commissioning, and Start-up Services
- Supply of Spare parts (new & refurbished).
- Troubleshooting and On-site Services.
- Overhauls and Maintenance services.
- Operation/Maintenance and Troubleshooting Agreements.
- Performance Testing and Analysis.
- Emissions Compliance.
- Early problem diagnosis to provide lower maintenance and operating costs.
Alexandria Petroleum Maintenance CO.(Petromaint) have successfully performed the following:-
- Overhauling works for SOLAR Gas Turbine at Abu Madi (Petrobel).
- Major inspection and overhaul works for Sulzer Gas Turbines at Abu Rudies.
- Major inspection and overhaul works for AJAX Compressor at (SUCO).
- Preventive maintenance, Predictive maintenance, and Complete Overhaul Maintenance for Ruston Gas Turbines at Abu Sannan (GPC).
- Global Maintenance for Gas Turbines, Compressors& Condensate Separation Units "Power Turbine 2 30-GGT-02" at Abu Sannan (GPC).
- Global Maintenance for Gas Turbines, Compressors& Condensate Separation Units "Booster Turbine B30-GT-01B" at Abu Sannan (GPC).
- Global Maintenance for Gas Turbines, Compressors& Condensate Separation Units "Generator Gas Turbine 02 30-GGT-02" at Abu Sannan (GPC).
- Global Maintenance for Gas Turbines, Compressors& Condensate Separation Units "Generator Gas Turbine 02" at Abu Sannan (GPC).
- Provision of skilled manpower for Gas Turbine "GE" maintenance at "ELNG"
Alexandria Petroleum Maintenance CO.(Petromaint) have a current contract (Annually Renewed)
- The Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting for SOLAR Turbines and Electric Station at South Dabaa Petroleum Co.
- Major inspection and overhaul works for AJAX Compressor at (SUCO).